Hanni Ross, Automattic
Tinkering with WordPress since before it was WordPress, Hanni hails from both Warwick, UK and Bordeaux, France. When not engineering happiness, she spends her time studying law. The hilarity of trying to fit everything in means she often feels the need to, in the words of Monty Python, run away.
Isaac Keyet, Automattic
Isaac is determined to make the mobile blogging experience for WordPress better. As a team lead and designer on the Mobile Team at Automattic, he’s helped launch official Open Source WordPress apps for 3 new platforms, and has worked on improving the existing ones. Today, roughly half a million posts are published each month on WordPress.com using one of the WordPress apps.
John James Jacoby, Automattic
A native Wisconsinite, John has natural love of beer, cheese, and a strong dislike for sub-zero temperatures. He is a lover of naps, puppies, puzzles, and things with wheels and gears. When he isn’t helping build neat stuff with code, he enjoys traveling the world, taking pictures, a good cup-o-tea, and helping people use (and extend) WordPress, BuddyPress, and bbPress.
Josh Holmes, Microsoft
Josh Holmes is a passionate soul who gets his kicks solving problems with deep fried awesomeness. He is currently employed by Microsoft Ireland as an Architect Evangelist. Prior to joining Microsoft in October 2006, Josh was a consultant working with a variety of clients ranging from large Fortune 500 firms to smaller sized companies. Josh is a frequent speaker and lead panelist at national and international software development conferences focusing on web technologies on the Microsoft stack such as ASP.NET, PHP, IronRuby, JavaScript and more. Community focused, Josh has founded and/or run many technology organizations from the Great Lakes Area .NET Users Group to the Ann Arbor Computer Society and was on the forming committee for CodeMash. You can contact Josh through his blog at http://www.joshholmes.com.
Magnus Jepson, WooThemes
Co-founder of WooThemes.com
Marko Heijnen
I’m Marko Heijnen, 25 years old and have more then five years experience in WordPress and almost three years experience in iOS. I contributed to WordPress 3.0 and 3.3 and since the start of 2012 I will contribute to the WordPress iOS app.
I have been a freelancer now for the past six months. I only do projects where there is need for a lot of custom work. My passion is all about the combination of WordPress and mobile. Not only on a technical way but also in the interaction from the users and the app.
Morten Hauan
24 år gammel WordPressfrelst fra Sørlandet. Har jobbet med WordPress i godt over 2 år. Har vært ledende utvikler på større og mindre prosjekter der WordPress har blitt brukt som CMS. Stolt bidragsyter til 3.3. Har som mål i 2012 og bidra mer tilbake til WordPress samfunnet med å bidra til utvikling av kjernekode og å frigi plugins gratis på wordpress.org.
Ser frem til å treffe andre WP-interesserte på WordCamp!
Øyvind Malin, Bekk Consulting
Øyvind has a bachelor degree in Web development and interaction design from the Norwegian School of Information Technology. Currently working as a FrontEnd Developer at Bekk Consulting. Working mainly on web projects for the mobile and tablet platforms.
Ronald Huereca
Ronald will give a lightning talk on “Must-Use” plugins.
Ronald’s slides can be found here:
Ryan Hellyer, PixoPoint
My name is Ryan Hellyer. I’m a web developer based in the wonderful city of Dunedin in New Zealand. I specialise in WordPress theme and plugin development.
Scott Basgaard, Metronet
Just another WordPress fanboy. I’m a full-time developer at Metronet, also a co-organizer of WordCamp Norway and the Oslo WordPress Meetup Group. Try give back to WordPress as much as I can and proud to have contributed back to WordPress in both 3.0 and 3.3. Follow me on Twitter here @scottbasgaard.
Wilhelm Joys Andersen
Wilhelm Joys Andersen elsker alt som er godt håndverk, enten det er snakk om programvare, sko, jernbane eller eiswein. Det gjør ham til en vrang og kresen kritiker, og han er aller mest kritisk til det han lager selv.
Når han ikke bygger nettsider eller hacker testroboter spiller han Battlefield og lengter tilbake til Tokyo.
Zé Fontainhas, Automattic
Initially convinced that he was applying for a drumming gig with The Dave Matthews Band, Zé landed at Automattic after a long time spent trying to solve people’s WordPress-related problems in five continents and as many languages. Since he grew up in Portugal, Angola and Belgium, went to school and worked in Austria and the U.S., and one of his daughters is American, he gets where most people are coming from. He’s still trying to figure out what any one of his three daughters wants, though.